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Nikon,Nikon, Wherefore art thou Nikon?


Dear Nikon,
I have seen the bewildered looks of abadonment and anguish from your longtime customers. I've heard them say,"I'm just waiting for Nikon's answer to the 5D." Each word of that sentence painful to speak as it escapes their lips.They want to believe, blinded by their brand loyalty and heavy investments in glass. They sit waiting with baited breath. Waiting for their day in the sun when they can scoff at the droves of impatient fools who jumped ship too soon. The day when they too,will bask in the glory of beautiful 1080p HD footage. The world is headed there Nikon. Yet, you rest on your laurels.Complacent. Like an old man resigned to his fate. "Life dealt me a bad hand.", he says. "I suppose it's time I moved on." But alas Nikon,it is the 21st century,the age of Twitter not Hemingway. This is not some dusty novella,this story is about a battle for the lion share of the DSLR market. Yet,you stand there, and watch as customer after customer walks away, satisfied that you are a still camera manufacturer and will remain so. Your dedication to "purity" is beginning to look like a company caught with their proverbial pants down.
A New Canon Owner

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning for 5D's,

The wretched refuse of your teeming store.

Send these, the videoless, tempted by the 7D,

I lift my Canon beside the golden door!"


DC EX1 November 24, 2009 at 10:18 AM  

I can't agree with this post more... I am one of those less fortunate brand junkies who is stuck with all this nikon glass and too stubborn to get the 5/7d with an adapter... maybe it's time to break down the walls and get a canon

Anonymous,  December 10, 2009 at 1:29 AM  

its common knowledge the canon wraps its movies in a 1080p format but only resolves to about 720... its more of marketing hype then a true 1080p frame... And we all know the issues with line skipping and really bad aliasing and how H264 breaks under a lot of high frequency detail...

I'm not saying great work isn't created with the 5D mk2 but its more about the artist then the tool...

But why the uninformed slam on nikon. In terms of low light high ISO work nikon appears to have the upper hand. And it looks like nikon has a higher dynamic range and handles blown highlights better. And for fast movement with deep focus it looks like nikon again is a better go (Q: why is 90% percent of 5D videos are shallow focus lock offs or very little camera movement? A: people are playing to the camera's strengths)

I didn't shoot these but find it insightful

I thank in a 2 years the only question left standing will be what lenses did you go with. But thats just my take I could be wrong.

jon connor December 10, 2009 at 10:28 AM  

Not an uniformed knock on Nikon. You have to compare cameras in same range Canon 7d at 12,400 ISO shows less noise then same price Nikon D300s at 6400 ISO. I agree that it is more the artist then the tool. This was meant more to say Nikon get on board!! Step up your game. DSLR's w/ HD video are killing you and your not making a real attempt to fight back. I think it sucks for people who are already heavily invested in Nikon gear/glass and I think Nikon is doing a disservice to it's customers by not upping the quality of video there DSLR's are capable of shooting.

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This is a community effort to help further the ongoing education of professionals and hobbyists interested in shooting HD video with Canon's line of professional DSLR's. Namely the Canon 5D MarkII and the recently released Canon 7D. We will also feature work by users of these cameras to give them exposure and to create a place to be inspired by others. This is a friendly effort so if all you bring to the table is negativity kindly go somewhere else. For all suggestions for article topics or if you have an article or film you would like to have published here please send all info to or send me a tweet at @jonconnorfilms

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