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Reel Inspiration:Take 1 with Joe Simon


Joe Simon is a BMX paragon, a four-time Telly Award-winning artist, an Event-DV Top 25 honoree, a presenter at Re:Frame San Francisco  and In-Focus 2010 and owner of Joe Simon Productions, an Austin, Texas-based studio specializing in cinematic high-definition and vintage wedding films. At the heart of it all though, Joe Simon, simply put, is an amazing filmmaker. With a keen eye for composition and a fearless disposition; he wields his Glidecam like a weapon in the hands of a warrior. He sleeps,eats,and breathes filmmaking. His body of work spans a multitude of genres from indie films,to music videos. Here is a link to his latest work.  
It is an amazing film that speaks for itself. When I saw one of the opening shots that seamlessly glides around the yacht. I had to wonder if he can walk on water, too. It wouldn't surprise me.

As a filmmaker, I am constantly looking for a good flick to watch but, it can be tough to pick one sometimes. After recently suffering through a series of poor Netflix decisions, Blockbuster blunders, and Hollywood Video horrors that left my soul empty and my brain craving more I decided it was time to leave the movie picking in the hands of an adept expert in the field. So here they are: Joe Simon's quick picks...

"Memento" (2000) Directed by Christopher Nolan -
"Amazing time-shift editing. The way the story unfolds forces you to think like Lenard (the main character). Love the directing and Guy Pearce's acting is amazing. If you haven't seen this, then do. If you have,then watch it again." - Joe Simon

"Traffic" (2000) Directed by Steven Soderbergh
"I love the cinematography in this movie, it's beautiful. It's amazing that Soderbergh is both the director and cinematographer of this film, that's a tough job on a small set, I can't imagine doing it in the Hollywood scene. While you're at it watch Oceans 11!" - Joe Simon

"Children of Men"  (2006) Directed by Alfonso Cuaron
"Another movie with amazing cinematography. There are quite a few one take sequences that are just ridiculous. The amount of rehearsing and set up needed to pull these off is mind blowing. Rent the Blu-ray and make sure to watch the special features."- Joe Simon

Here's one of the single take shots .

So, there you have it folks. The first installation of Reel Inspiration. Now take "Cloverfield" out of your Netflix queue and watch an epic movie not "Epic Movie". 

For more information about Joe Simon or to view some of his work be sure to check out:


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This is a community effort to help further the ongoing education of professionals and hobbyists interested in shooting HD video with Canon's line of professional DSLR's. Namely the Canon 5D MarkII and the recently released Canon 7D. We will also feature work by users of these cameras to give them exposure and to create a place to be inspired by others. This is a friendly effort so if all you bring to the table is negativity kindly go somewhere else. For all suggestions for article topics or if you have an article or film you would like to have published here please send all info to or send me a tweet at @jonconnorfilms

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