How To Fund an Indie Project
I have all these great ideas that I want to do but it always seems like I am saying, "Man, I wish I had ten grand I would (insert pet project here)" So as an independent filmmaker or an aspiring one, I think the first and toughest obstacle we face is: Who is going to pay for this?
Art is great. Art without the financial backing is most likely going to remain an idea that never gets done. To me that sucks. I wonder how many of you out there have brilliant films/projects that will never see the light of day because you can't make it happen financially. I have the same problem lots of ideas but no viable way to make them come to fruition. Well folks, I may have the answer for some of you. I haven't tried it out myself yet and I only ask one thing of you in return. If you use this, please share your project with us. By that I mean either shoot me an email and tell me a little about it when it's done or even just shoot me a link to the finished product. I'd love to see what some of you ultra-talented filmmakers can do with a little backing.
Anyway so here it is check it out and let me know what you think. Again I haven't tried it yet myself but it looks amazing and it appears that others have had a great deal of success raising capital. Go here for a collaborative way to fund ideas and fuel innovation Read more...