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Canon 35mm Sensor


From Australia
"At our @#$$$%%  meeting last week, a rep from our major local pro video supplier told us that he’d been told by Canon that they expect to release a sub 10K prosumer camera with a 35mm sensor around April next year." WOWSERS!! Yeah it's probably just a rumor but remember when the 5d mkii was and then the 7d was... exciting times we live in.


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About This Blog

This is a community effort to help further the ongoing education of professionals and hobbyists interested in shooting HD video with Canon's line of professional DSLR's. Namely the Canon 5D MarkII and the recently released Canon 7D. We will also feature work by users of these cameras to give them exposure and to create a place to be inspired by others. This is a friendly effort so if all you bring to the table is negativity kindly go somewhere else. For all suggestions for article topics or if you have an article or film you would like to have published here please send all info to or send me a tweet at @jonconnorfilms

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