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Warning: If You own an Eyepiece for Your DSLR


Remember when you were a kid and you held a magnifying glass over an ant to see what would happen?Well I never did that,it was my friend Billy I swear, but I know the idea behind it is that the magnifying glass would increase the power of the sun and thereby scorch the aforementioned ant. Now if you are using what has become an essential part of my kit when shooting, the Zacuto Z-Finder, here is a quick tip. Make sure you do not, for extended periods of time, leave the eyepiece pointed upwards. If the sun beats down through the eyepiece, it is going right into, what is effectively, a magnifying glass. This could cause damage to your cameras LCD, which is not cheap to fix. I still could not shoot properly with any DSLR without the Zacuto Z-Finder, it is an absolutely essential part of my kit. This is just something I had never thought of before, but has been brought to my attention. So I will still never shoot video with my Canon 7D without it, but I will definitely not be letting the Z-finder's eyepiece point towards the sky for any lengthy point of time.

This is not a product defect as I mentioned and has already been documented here.
Again, just something I hadn't even thought about but after a colleague discovered damage to his LCD we traced it back to sun exposure through the viewfinder so be careful out there.


Puregroove_Org December 4, 2009 at 6:27 PM  

I'm, definitely, going to have to check this out, when I get a 7D or 5DMKII.

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This is a community effort to help further the ongoing education of professionals and hobbyists interested in shooting HD video with Canon's line of professional DSLR's. Namely the Canon 5D MarkII and the recently released Canon 7D. We will also feature work by users of these cameras to give them exposure and to create a place to be inspired by others. This is a friendly effort so if all you bring to the table is negativity kindly go somewhere else. For all suggestions for article topics or if you have an article or film you would like to have published here please send all info to or send me a tweet at @jonconnorfilms

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