The Things You Don't Know You Don't Know
by Jon Connor (via Steve Schwartz )
If you are offended by colorful language please stop reading now. I think it illustrates a good point and would assume it's nothing you haven't heard yet, anyway.
Just read an amazing blog post by Steve Schwartz titled "No One Knows What the F*** They're Doing" It comes with a handy chart for all of us to refer back to in times of need.
Make sure you read his blog post as it contains a lot more useful info and insight. He talks about feeling like you don't know what you're doing sometimes and the fact is that no one does. However, as the chart illustrates we all have "shit we know", "shit we know we don't know" and the most dangerous of the three "shit we don't know we don't know". Our goal through education should be to narrow that gap. More importantly just realizing that there are a lot of things we don't know we don't know is a big step in and of itself. That moves a lot of stuff from that category to the "shit we know we dont know" category. This makes you less dangerous. Plus no one likes a "know it all". So next time you feel like you have gotten involved in a project that is over your head and you feel underqualified. Remember most of the other people involved are probably as clueless as you. Even if they are not, the fact that you now have this chart to refer back to should help. Don't be afraid of not knowing. Look it up. Ask questions. The most dangerous thing is to think you know it all. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. If you're reading this blog you are probably like me and always looking to learn, so the good news is your head is in the right place. Don't let the chart scare you. Embrace it. Seriously though read the original post here.
Ah, yes. We are usually our own worst enemy.
Very true. I hate myself. Haha just kidding.
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